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  3. Masaharu Endo

Masaharu Endo

Masaharu Endo holds a B.S. and an M.S. in Agriculutural Chemistry from Kyoto University. He began his career as an R&D member in a food products company, and then entered in the field of intellectual property in 2002. Since then, he has handled many patent applications in Japan and foreign countries mainly related to biotechnology and chemistry, and also has handled a wide range of IP-related professional services including requests for patent term extension, objection/appeal trials before the patent office, litigations against trial decisions, assistance in patent infringement litigations, provision of expert opinions, and provision of on-demand lectures for his client companies. He joined Shinjyu in 2022. He is a member of Japanese Patent Attorneys Association and is also qualified as a representative for infringement litigations.
Kyoto University
BS and MS (Agricultural Chemistry)
Practice Areas
Biotechnology Patents (related, for example, to genetic engineering, immunology, microorganisms, and plants)
Chemical Patents (related, for example, to organic chemistry such as covering pharmaceuticals, agro-chemicals, food products, cosmetics and polymer materials, and inorganic chemistry such as metallic materials and catalysts)
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